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Achieving Net Zero: A Call for Sustainable Development in the Property Industry

Achieving Net Zero

As an award winning property development company, Stagfield Group is taking significant steps towards achieving the Government's Carbon Net Zero goals. We are embracing the concept of whole life carbon within all of our developments.

Within all of our developments Stagfield is already achieving a commendable reduction in embodied carbon, which refers to the carbon emissions released during the construction phase of a building. Currently, there are no specific regulations in place for embodied carbon, with the focus mainly on operational carbon. Our goal is to lead the way in creating sustainable and affordable high-quality housing, and to accomplish this, we are paying added attention to monitoring and forecasting of data through whole life carbon assessments.

A proposed new Building Regulation, known as Part Z, is being considered for assessing embodied carbon in all projects, and Stagfield Group fully supports this initiative, working collaboratively with peers in the industry.

To demonstrate our commitment to sustainability, Stagfield Group conducts whole life carbon assessments for all our new developments. We encourage our supply chain to provide Environmental Product Declarations, enabling us to choose products with lower carbon intensity.

Recent sustainability reports reveal impressive achievements by Stagfield Group, with a remarkable reduction in site CO2e intensity. Our new developments consistently incorporate low carbon and renewable technologies.

Looking ahead, Stagfield Group's upcoming project, "Abbey Central," is setting a new benchmark for sustainable urban family living. This development will create more than 70 low-carbon homes in a suburban area of Nottingham.

The development is estimated to deliver in excess of 50% CO2 reduction compared to building regulations which is significantly higher than the enhanced standard target of 19%. Some of the houses (with both ASHPs and Solar PV) will deliver up to 80% CO2.

According to Kevin Hard, the Managing Director at Stagfield Group, sustainability is not only crucial for a well-functioning and healthy society but also a business imperative as smart capital increasingly favours sustainable assets. He is firmly committed to addressing the whole life carbon impact of developments.

Through our dedication to sustainability and a vision for a greener future, Stagfield Group is aiming to inspire positive change in the property industry as we work towards the ambitious goal of Net Zero.